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MISSION BLVD TOWNHOMES (PLN2014-00084): 39311 Mission Blvd.

Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski

City Council approved revised development on 11/18/14

November 18th City Council Agenda

On September 9th, the City Council sent the project back for redesign.
The council wants the 7-plex buildings broken into smaller buildings.
They also want the single-owner attached townhouses to have some individuality to their design.

Planning Commission recommended approval on July 10th


Mission Blvd Townhomes Approved Plan Mission Blvd Townhomes Layout Before Redesign

Environmental Review Initial Study

The Mission Blvd Townhomes development proposed by Signature Land Advisors is located at 39311 Mission Blvd. It is in the Central Community Plan Area.

This is the Arias property near where Mission Blvd. intersects Stevenson Blvd. They are also asking the City to vacate an additional 0.43 acre triangular "sliver" of land that was part of the old Overacker Avenue public right-of-way along Mission Blvd.

  • 33 townhouses will be built on 1.9 acres
  • There will be three 3-unit buildings and six 4-unit buildings
  • There will be three 7-unit buildings and three 4-unit buildings
  • All buildings will be 3-story and nearly 40 feet high
  • There are only garage doors facing the new private loop street - there are no doors on the street side.
  • Front doors face either the center paseo or the boundary walkway
  • They will tear down the existing 1906 Arias house
  • All trees on the site will be removed
  • Trees will be planted in the ex-Overacker Ave. triangle to block the view of the development from Mission Blvd.
  • Previously MISSION BLVD TOWNHOMES PRP PLN2013-00278

    The public may arrange to view the development plans by contacting the Application's City Staff Project Planner: Steve Kowalski

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